Sunday, March 24, 2013

Swann Family Easter

I, like many moms, have been preparing the family all month to put forth our best appearances for the Easter Holiday. It's by far the most important day in Christianity to me as it represents the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. So as this month has progressed I have been attempting to rid Rah of the entire "Easter Basket" debauchery and instill in him the significance of the day itself. Now, I'm not going to take away his "Easter" in the worldly sense, but I do want him to know the reason for the holiday - and it's surely not about a "big ole' bunny, or eggs, or even mommy trying to color coordinate the entire family". But, we all get caught up in it at times, which brings me to today's blog.

Earlier this week, Rah had his Easter Hunt at school, a wonderful class picnic, an dyed a single egg! I must say that experience in of itself seemed to satisfy him of his "pagan" celebratory spirit. We went through the storage shed, found an old basket, and used the leftover decorative mesh to create a handle (I really see no point of going beyond that especially if he wasn't to use it again)! I had a closet full of basket from years past but I gave them away for last year's festivities.

So, Darryl and I volunteered at the school and made Rah's class Easter Egg Hunt a family event and had a ball doing so, check out the pics.

Rah and class waiting to begin hunt

Check out his Easter Basket (it's actually quite nice when held upright) LOL

1, 2 , 3 GO ...and they had to find 6 eggs that parents sent on with their names on them!

He's trying to get into that egg sooo bad!

Rah and his friends comparing eggs

They had such fun

Daddy Swann took a break from all the fun

Look at them, how adorable?
Picnic Lunch Time - the bad parents we are actually forgot to bring his bag lunch (I really don't remember seeing that portion of the memo - Reading is Fundamental) but "Great Teachers" are always prepared for unprepared parents, so Mrs. Choat had extra lunches packed at her own expense. I felt horribly, but was truly grateful otherwise Darryl was gonna have to make haste to McDonald's because Rah would have not had it!

You see, things like that - not to mention all of the other things "us" teachers supply for forgetful parents (like myself in this instance) as well as underprivileged families are not reimbursed through salary. We don't get overtime, but it's required as we work it to ensure the needs of the students are met. But some things we just do it on our own, as the children can not continuously "pay" as a result of their circumstances and over the years it adds up. I have spent upwards of $1000/class a year and that's me "reeling it in". It can't be helped when you see a child with too small clothes, who hasn't eaten, or who is being mocked/tormented, it doesn't just affect their academics, it effects their entire existence - their potential. A teacher embodies that to the point of self-detriment at times; I know I'm guilty of it. It's a hard thing to balance - but our reductions in pay, lack of support from parents and the public, and the consistent "dumbing-down" of the education system simply so it can be monetized by testing, curriculum, and textbook corporations tuns "small issues into monstrous ones" overtime. OK, I will now step off of my soapbox.

Tanner, Rah, and Kevin 
Easter Egg Hunt Live (it was a bit windy):

So, of course when we got home Rah is trying to eat everything out of his basket and I told him to wait until Easter, he just had a school Easter Hunt because Easter is on Sunday so there will be no school, Spring Break just started. Which brings us to today...Sunday.

We get up and prepared for church, I sleep a bit past my time although I have much to do, I'm confident we can get out of the house and to church by 11am for Easter service. I get dressed and get Rah bathed. Darryl on the other hand hasn't bothered to iron his white shirt and its still in the bag (to him this means it's ironed). As I try to inform him that he needs to iron it, he ignores me and begins to put on a wrinkly shirt. Now I'm getting frustrated. We live a half-hour from church and I don't wanna be late, not late to church on any day, but definitely not late on Easter Sunday when everyone and their mamma's come - we were not even gonna be able to get a seat! We needed to leave out by 10:30am at the latest for service, it was nearly 10:45am - I was officially blown.

He knew the time. He knew we were late and that I was clearly upset so to cheer me up he must have decided to put on these Angry Bird briefs that I bought him to match Rah's. I bought them Christmas, they were adorable. I figured him an Rah could wear matching undies but he refused to wear them as they were briefs. He had them on now and began to get dressed, I laughed. I couldn't help it. I laughed hysterically - but it was no time for joking we needed to leave. So as I went and continued to get Rah finished and then to begin getting Darryl's shirt to iron and all of a sudden he started to fuss at me like "What, Kenchasa? What now?" and in that moment I wanted in all my might to just walk away and let him just be on his own, but I decided not to as he was a reflection of me. I decided to tell him "You can't wear Angry Bird underwear with white pants!" As through his unlined white slacks, you could clearly see a big ole' red Angry Bird head on his crotch and when he turned around, another across his bottom! I truly wish I would have gotten a picture...

We finally left the house. It was now 11:00 and I began to feel nauseous. I took my medicine but hadn't time to ea, I knew the cause. I eventually had to stop at a gas station and get an orange juice, which I drank immediately while still holding the cooler door open (you should have seen the clerk watching me). I did pay for it. I quieted my "kitty cat tummy". Now for those of you who don't know, "kitty cat tummy" is what Ebby and I call it when you have to vomit but you are forced to do it all delicately like a cat/kitten (if you've ever seen a ca vomit) due to your surroundings. I can guarantee you I would have been "kitty cat" vomiting in church right on the side of the pew - not a good look.

So we drive on; now there is construction - one lane closed and again I think to myself "dang they are gonna get overtime and holiday pay. Working on Easter to complete this stretch of road, don't seem like it's that essential." We arrive at church at good half-hour late to a wonderful service but average congregation size, with a great message - not an Easter message but great nonetheless. I thought maybe Pastor was doing something different as he does at times, so no big deal - and then I learned that 10th Mountain (the local unit was in rotation) so that could attribute for the nominal sized congregation. People weren't flashy or "decked" but we don't have that kind of church so it still didn't dawn on me. After service, we said our farewells, and I stopped and spoke to a young lady who commented on my natural hair as I admired her little girls'.

It was then that Sis. Rhonda asked her to make sure she came back "next Sunday, EASTER SUNDAY, as we would be having a bunch of activities for the children!" All I could do is smile and laugh. I went straight to find Darryl and when I told him he was like, "and you made me feel all bad as you fussed all morning about making us late to Easter service!" I burst out laughing again - it all made since now (the construction, the congregation, the, Easter was Next Sunday!)

Well, Darryl said, I can consider today as a "trial run" and Ebby said only a "true heathen" wouldn't know when Easter was... LOL

But in my defense we've had all these events this week that led up to Easter being this Sunday. And I don't work so I don't know day from day - I know Easter is on Sunday and this year, it's the last Sunday of the month. As school was released on Spring Break, I just knew this was the last Sunday of the month. So, as I told Rah, I'm glad it's not about the clothes either because we surely wore ours today!

Check us out on Swann Easter as we have deemed today!

Darryl minus the "Angry Bird"
Robert Wesley

Kenchasa (I have to get some Spankx to control that thigh!)

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Where's Robert?

Look at my baby!!!!

It's his Kindergarten Class Picture and he looks as innocent as can be. You wouldn't think that he spends an average 3 out of 4 days either in "time out", getting placed in "in-school" suspension, trapping students in the bathroom - or only just recently punching someone in the belly because "he wanted to" or being pulled from the cafeteria for throwing a corn-on-the-cob at someone! The list goes on. I think Mrs. Maricle has our numbers on speed dial because I surely have an entire folder of parental triplicates with undesired behaviors, awaiting signatures.

But for now, I just look at this pic and see my adorable little man!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

I'm Six Now...

Birthday Boy
It all started February, 18, 2013 when Robert Wesley Swann awoke and realized that it was in fact his birthday! This was quite a feat in of itself as it was the first time he knew it was his birthday without being reminded (he'd been monitoring the days) and as the day approached and had at last arrived he was "six"!

Robert's birthday fell on Presidents' Day this year as it had before and I'm sure will again - so we made arrangements for school snack day to encompass his birthday celebration on Tuesday (school was out on Friday for Professional Development). Gotta love birthdays that coincide with holidays (a guaranteed day off school and when you reach adulthood - work, if your lucky). My birthday being April, 13th generally coincided with Spring Break, but as I got further along in school it seemed to always fall on the day we were slated to return to school (I know, sucks right?). Garrett's being April 8th also fell within Spring Break (I think he may even get an Easter birthday within his lifetime).

On Saturday, we ventured to Chuck E. Cheese (a mere 45-minute ride to the nearest location). Rah had a ball, played well with local children, ate a bunch of pizza, and was able to get a pic with Chuck himself. He was however, "found" in the scheduled "birthday section" of the venue seated at a nearby table attempting to take over someone else's party! I had to pry him away and explain to him that it was not his party or his "actual birthday", nor was he invited so he could not continue to disturb the party goers...he did not take that well. But after threats of leaving the entire venue altogether he quickly composed himself and went on his way without further incident.

Rah & Chuck
Rah focused at a video game

On Sunday, after church Rah and Daddy had "Daddy Time" and went to the movies. Rah loves his daddy so much and their personal time spent together makes my heart smile. It's such a great bonding experience and I'm only privy to the most general details - of which I wait anxiously to be provided. Darryl is such a wonderful dad and Rah can't get enough of him. He imitates everything he does, from his fascination with anything related to the military to his love of video games, football, and fishing. Their most recent fascination with guns is not quite my favorite, however Daddy Darryl is teaching Rah everything necessary about gun safety and ownership at an age appropriate level - I am very secure in his competence.
Flashback Photo - 2/3 of my boys! Darryl and his "mini-me"
Monday - The Day! Rah comes into our room and is simply excited. He is soooo happy that he is" six", it's hilarious. The first thing he does is asks me to measure him on his growth chart. Now, I generally make such measurements annually or semi-annually at max, but he was so insistent that I did because he "was six" and "got much bigger than he was when he was five" (just 24-hours ago)! LOL. So upon measuring him, there was no significant difference, less than a centimeter and if I measured accurately probably millimeter, but as I measured using a sharpie and just drew a stroke on a poster from where I perceive his big head reached, it resulted in growth. Now this made him basically "shut me down" in a "Boosha", "told you so" fashion - that since he was six he grew. He even came to a conclusion that the 6" marking on the poster corresponded to his new age as the 5" mark corresponded to that of him at 5; now I tried to tell him that was in fact not the case but he was not having it - so I just let it go.

Rah's growth chart - he got this when we went on a family cruise

12/5/2012 - 3'5" to 2/18/2013 - 3'5.8" (well 6"in his mind)

Now, that he had accomplished that feat he went on to bigger and better things - like his birthday party. So he asked me "When is my party?" I explained to him that instead of having a big party this year, he went to Chuck E. Cheese on Saturday, he had special Daddy Day on Sunday, and on Tuesday he will distribute "treat bags" to his friends and have cupcakes. Well this did not satisfy Mr. Robert at all and he told me so directly. He stated that it was not "authentically his birthday if he did not have a party". Now, taken aback by this I quickly explained that one does not need a party to have a birthday and this was in fact "an authentic" birthday and he, myself, and daddy would all gather tonight after dinner and have cake and ice cream, sing Happy Birthday, and he could blow out candles. To this Robert replied, that "without friends and presents my birthday doesn't exist and it is not really a birthday." So I again responded by asking if daddy and I not enough? Are we not your friends as well as family and wouldn't he have friends at his celebration tomorrow? Had he not just had two wonderful gifts of a trip to Chuck E. Cheese and a special Daddy Day? Robert went to his room without a reply and I'm assuming after thinking some time, saw that I was clearly hurt by not being viewed "important" so he said "you and daddy are my friends and cake and ice cream with my family is a good birthday. But, at school with my friends I'm still not getting presents, I'm giving them gift bags, their not giving me anything." Lawd!!! So, I explained to him that he would also get a "treat bag" but birthdays' are about sharing more than receiving and he needs to be more grateful. We spoke more about generosity and for then, he moved on...for then.

 Check out the Happy Birthday Video (song/candle blowing edition):
On scene comes Daddy Darryl who decided to FINALLY rescue me and take Rah for an impromptu outing. Rah dresses himself as usual - I give him freedom of creativity, he generally doesn't match and has on shorts but hey, its fairly warm but I notice he has on these sneakers that he has been trying to wear for over a year that are simply too big! Now, these shoes along with a bag of clothes (hand-me-downs always welcomed) were a donation from Janelle's son, Christopher. He's almost 2-years older than Rah but quite taller so his foot is much bigger. I had packed all of the items Rah would eventually grow into in a bag and placed them in his closet. Now, within this bag is a pair of Sketcher sneakers. Rah has been dying for a pair of Sketchers that light up and Darryl had tried getting him some before but couldn't find his size. Now, I know Sketchers may not be considered fashionable to most of you, but to a kid, anything with lights rock (so if he wants to wear Buzz Light Year's, I'd buy them) rather than buying $100 Jordan's, not that Sketchers are that inexpensive. Anyhow, he must have went through this bag and found these Sketchers...bring on the battle!

I said, "Rah, why do you have on those shoes?" "They are too big, put them back and stay out of that bag." He immediately told me that they in fact fit now because he was six! They did not fit a five year old, but they fit him now, because he grew (as I just measured), plus they are six year old shoes! So, again I'm trying to explain to him that this is not logical, but all of my speaking is in vain. Finally, Darryl tells me he has his foot pressed all the way to the front and he wants to wear them because he thinks they're "fast"! Oh my word!!! I'd never though of that!

All this time, he'd been trying to get those shoes was because he thought they were "fast shoes". Now Darryl of course told him that this is in fact not a possibility, but I am soooo delighted by this innocence that I just have to play along. So Rah quickly goes to the entry way and tiger crouches down and runs over to me. Man you would have sworn Edward the vampire from Twilight had entered my room. HA HA HA HA HA I laughed so hard I could barely breathe, I told him that in fact those shoes were surely fast - I hadn't the heart to tell him to take the off after that and as he and Darryl left immediately went online to to order my baby some Sketchers in his size. So, I guess he would get a "real present" yet (though not today).

But Daddy Darryl was a step ahead of me. Darryl and Rah came back with a pet from Walmart. Welcome Firero (Robert named him, maybe because he's red???)
Rah & Firero
Firero is a Beta fish and a wonderful first pet. I think Robert will be a wonderful pet owner, too. I told you Daddy Swann was a wonderful dad. And not only that, they went online together to research Firero and his habitat, behaviors, and how to care for him properly. Robert related all of this information to me, I was truly proud of them both (I love "teachable" moments)!
Firero's Home - Rah decorated
Researching Firero's Habitat

But alas he did not (last that is)...RIP Firero 2/23/2013. We were informed that Firero was old and we think possibly blind (if you looked closely at his eyes they were clouded, like he had cataracts). Can a fish have cataracts? LOL! Which may explain why he wouldn't eat when we put food in the tank, maybe he couldn't see it but wouldn't he sense the changes in motion of the water? Hmmmm. He'd just float and free fall and then regain himself and rise and move a little (kinda like a old man nodding off for a nap in a recliner and awaking suddenly to continue a conversation) but I guess that's what happens when you but a pet from a Walmart. So, after breaking the news to Rah who took it remarkably well when we told him we thought he was just told and tired, Daddy Darryl went to a real pet store this time and we welcomed "Blue Ray" into the family later that day! Seeing Blue Ray we truly noticed the difference between a young/healthy vs. sick /old fish and he has been thriving member of the family ever since!
Blue Ray in profile right
Blue Ray in profile left

He has a wonderful personality too - along with his iridescent hues of reds, purples and greens. He follows you around the tank and charges the top when you feed him. Darryl loves feeding and "playing" with him more than Rah and  believe as he is "aggressive" and swells up or puffs out his gills when he catches his reflection in the glass of the tank, thinking there is another fish present. We have even linked Rah's school behavior into feeding him - so if he gets a "green" (good) day he can feed him before school and that night, however if he gets a yellow (average) day he may only feed him in the evening; a red (bad) day results in no feeding from Rah. Darryl has taken over the feeding at such times otherwise, poor Blue Ray would surely meet Firero's unfortunate fate due to starvation!
Check out Blue Ray in action:


Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Camping Out

As I had been gone for nearly a month "the hubby" was truly happy and eagerly anticipating my arrival - so much so to my "treat" (let's say) he rented a log cabin about an hr away at Toledo Bend! Now we generally visit Toledo Bend in the summers and have BBQ's with friends as the boys frolic in the water and I catch some sun (as its the closest and cleanest thing to the beach in the area) but we've never used its facilities otherwise. AND we have always gone to the TX side (which equates to coming to a fork in the road and making a left instead of a right) but boy did it make a world of difference when it came down to what we wanted to do!
Area in blue represents Toledo Bend
We had made that "right" by mistake one time and ventured to the LA side but only found trailers, dilapidated campgrounds, and RV's and immediately hightailed it outta there in the other direction! Now, I've been in trailers that are nicer than my current apartment, believe me - it must be connotation they conjure; it must just be permanently embedded from my city upbringing (like living a stone's throw from the "projects" was such a bourgeoisie living experience, LOL). And although we are and have been Southern transplants for close to 6-years now, it's something about seeing campers/RV's and trailer communities that just makes an area unappealing to me - especially when it appears as if it's no longer a getaway but a way-of-life when it's supposed to be a getaway. If I'm gonna "rough it" at a campsite, I really don't want the impression that I am there with "permanent residents" (it could be just me, but hey). And maybe that was it. The area seemed more like a community than a campground. But not one in which I would like to be, one in which "Freaky Jason" or "Micheal Myers" was gonna wander into from down the road outta their nearby housing development. OK - I think I've drawn the appropriate image.

The other thing was, as sweet as the thought was of "the hubby" to plan such a romantic getaway - it was the last thing I wanted to do! I had been away for over three weeks - all I wanted to do was sleep in my own bed, lounge in my PJ,s, and take in my family. I didn't wanna be away from Rah anymore time, I wanted to be with them both. But, I only had the nerve to tell him the latter (he doesn't read the blog - no worries, LOL). So he quickly changed the romantic getaway into a family getaway and what else could I do but oblige!

I arrived home Wednesday night, packed and grocery/supply shopped all day Thursday and we headed out first thing Friday morning. Meanwhile all of the luggage and laundry from my travels was still piled in the hallway and my house was a complete mess as "my boys" had been living as "independent souls" since I had not been home - All I could do is think of back being in my bed first chance I get back from this family getaway and the pile of housework that now awaited me (insert expletive and exhaustion).

Now, I knew what I was in for because as I stated earlier, we had stumbled upon this place a few years back when we went the wrong way so I had accepted that - I did 8-years ARMY, I camped outside, I dug holes for bathroom usage - couldn't be worse than that? The weather was crisp and cool low to mid-50s, rain was expected but not for the first couple days, we had the option for a cabin if we so desired ( "the hubby" was thoughtful in that regard) he knows I can be finicky, but I guess that was also because it was originally a romantic getaway, my bad. But, nonetheless I was ready to rough it, and I knew Rah would enjoy that more - especially the campfire and making S'mores. It was just the mere fact of the timing that bugged me - had this trip been just one week later, I would have had no issue, but I had to "suck it up" because I needed and wanted to spend time with my family and he had been so thoughtful, if this was the plan, so be it! But dang, did I want to be on my pillow top, under my comforter, and walking through my house without the need of bathing with shower shoes! Ahhhh...just the simple luxuries!

We all dressed in layers and packed the staple necessities to eat, drink, entertain, and care for ourselves in case of an emergency. We did not bring any forms of electronics - we were going "family time" full throttle! When we arrived to our surprise the campgrounds had received a complete overhaul! There were updated cabins, the campgrounds were well manicured, and it appeared it was newly sectioned off according to your method of transportation/sleeping accommodation (i.e. campers/RV area, cabin area, and tent area) it was much more aesthetically pleasing, I must say! I was automatically put to ease. Maybe a few others had shared/expressed similar views of mine. Or maybe this had been a completely different campground. This is the largest man-made body of water in the South - we came initially looking for a beach like atmosphere summers ago and what we we saw was the total opposite, maybe it just threw us for a loop. With the long stretch of shore that accompanies it, there must be varying degrees of what one may deem suitable to live. I now felt a since of ease (of which I didn't feel I needed to feel a since of ease about in the first place), if you can follow.
You can actually see the relation of  DeRidder to Toledo Bend

View from our cabin
The inside of the cabin was just as nice and incorporated all the updated essential amenities, it felt as if we were in a little hotel log cabin in the woods: full kitchen (fully stocked with cookware and utensils) w/stove, refrigerator/freezer, and microwave, 1-bedroom with a wardrobe (full bed - you must provide your own linen), 1- full bathroom/wet room with seated shower (you must provide your linen), open living room/dining room with sofa and dining table w/extensions, and a flat screen TV complete w/satellite cable in addition to a spacious loft area overhead (Rah had a ball up there). I mean what more could you want, maybe a washer a dryer? They had the facilities right on site within walking distance and a general store should you have forgotten anything else.

Rear view of our cabin

Front of our cabin

Rah heading up to the loft
 We ended up having to pitch our tent inside - as we had of course, scared Rah so much with tales of "Big Foot" that the last thing he wanted to do was sleep outdoors, HA! We gathered wood for the fire, and Darryl chopped it with his new axe (he just had to buy it), we climbed trees to see who could get the highest (Darryl won of course), we had nature walks and answered Rah's million questions, grilled fish, burgers, hot dogs, and corn, we made Smores of which none of us could finish - those things are way too much (and that's saying a lot for me since I like anything sweet), told Rah more spooky stories and scared him by throwing rocks in the woods and making sounds by throwing our voices (Darryl even said he had to go check on something just to go the other way and tap on the side of the house, Rah's heart could have jumped from his chest as he crept quietly to me for safety and told me to "stay quiet and still so we wont be seen"), and lastly we just sat on bench swings watching in the views as Rah skipped rocks and fed ducks. It was simply perfect.

Corn hot off the grill
Darryl "Paul Bunyan" Swann

Making Smores and telling spooky tales
The cabin was very large; it could easily accommodate 7 - we have agreed to go back - we actually stayed an additional day. Well, we were going back and forth with the idea but hadn't quite settled on a firm decision as the following day called for rain yet but as we were heading out for church services Sunday morning the truck wouldn't start - we felt the decision was made for us, LOL! We lounged all day on Sunday in the cabin as the rain prevented much more and that was perfectly fine for us adults, not too much so for a 5 year old so when it settled down a bit he was allowed out and had a grand old messy time in the mud, leaves, and such!

We had no cellphones - Darryl did not bring his and mine had died, thus not many pics to share - yeah, I know. Campground contacted a tow truck to get the truck home (yeah, and hour Glad, we have great insurance); the campground security also took him on base where he borrowed a friend's vehicle so we finished our "family getaway"! Rah and I stayed at the cabin while all of this took place, he didn't arrive back until around 2am (insisting on giving me a quick review on gun use before he left like I was gonna have to defend our homestead). He's so dramatic at times! I rolled my eyes the entire time as 1. I know how to use a gun and 2. Seriously, we're at at campground that is monitored 24-hrs by security and under the jurisdiction of the military.

So after awaking the next morning and creating a few more memories, we packed and cleaned ensuring we left as little carbon footprint as possible and headed back home. There would be 2 more car exchanges before we finally made it there and got the truck up and running - but, hey you can't have a camping trip without a good camp story! And there you have the Swann Family Version.

My cleanup crew

BTW - I slept the entire week thereafter...