Garr got his new glasses and boy did he need them! Unfortunately he got his vision from me and has been squinting to see for the last two years. I got him glasses a couple years back while he was here for the summer but when he decided to go to school in MD and let someone else wear the glasses (as glasses are cool now) he never saw them again. I only found out about this at the end of the school year when he told me his
"declining grades were a result of his diminished sight." I told his father to contact to contact the school and make arrangements with that parent to get them back or have them replaced, I had spent over $250 on those glasses and he had wore them for less than 3 months, Sheesh. Needless to say as I am here in LA and the issue in MD the next time I saw him there were still no glasses, although the parent had provided the money for a replacement pair.
Fast forward to this past school year, with the knowledge that the dang boy can't see and that it impacts his grades AND the promise that glasses would be purchased - well he's here and there are still no glasses, BUT there was braces! I was informed that the
"need to correct bad teeth outweighed the current vision dilemma"....arrrgggghhh.
So we are currently working towards straight beautiful and teeth, but he won't be able to see to brush them.... Hmmmmm.
Well being a person that is "sight disabled" and knowing how frustrating it can be to constantly squint and well just plain having common sense - I promptly scheduled an optometrist appointment to again purchase more glasses with the threat (
nay promise) that I will power drill the handles into his dang temples if he even thinks of "loaning" them to anyone! I think he fully understands my meaning...
OK, I'm done venting, Thanks for listening via reading
On our way home from the optometrist you should have seen Garr: smiling from ear to ear, looking around at everything, sliding his glasses down and comparing his vision with/without the them as he read street signs, marquees, and license plates. He was like
"the world is like in 3D now" and
"I want to read everything". To which I quickly replied
"well make sure you maintain that mindset over the next 9 months as school starts on the 12th of August and you can read plenty of textbooks!" HA
He's truly a mess, but my mess.
My baby...