Monday, September 12, 2011


As most of you who already know me are already familiar with, I have a few vices; but one in particular is my love for shoes! Now I haven't reached my peak yet, the Christian Louboutin/designer realm, but I dare to dream that one day I will. One day...I guess I may have to do some basic things like get a job and have an actual need to wear them other than doing laundry or my weekly visits to Walmart (but I digress). As for now, I am comforted by my "shoe of the month" boutique that is JustFab in addition to my regular shoe purchases.

At first, like any person with over 432 pairs of shoes (I know, I actually counted today - Darryl's gonna kick my behind), I was elated and had no restraint, buying up to 3 pairs at a time from my boutique of shoes selected for me by a personal stylist who knew my shoe desires from my completion of a simple yet detailed style inventory - ha. But after I took myself through "shoe intervention", like a junkie, I now only make a single selection per month. It's all working out fine.

There are months when I get the "shakes" and could use a hit of a "4" hidden platform peep toe pump", and look back at my monitor ready to select another option to put in my cart, but I don't...and that's progress. I'm proud of me. Nonetheless, this month has been trying. I have 6 styles each month and an endless array of colors - but have narrowed my selection to 2 styles and 5 colors. Maybe your input will influence my final vote. So far Ebony likes the blue booties and both the grey and blue mid calf boots (I know, great help with narrowing down my selection), Verniece also likes the blue booties, and Diane likes the red mid calf boots (which were the most limited in quantity - which also leads me to believe they are a hot item). I like all of them, and I do know that shades of blue are a must this upcoming fall, just as they were over the summer. I will choose only one and show you how they look when they arrive.

(Pardon the pics' quality 'cause they suck, but u should be able to get the jest.)

 Blue bootie (its really bright and vivid - remember pic quality)
 Purple bootie (also very bright)
 Blue mid calf boot (blue bootie has similar color)
 Grey mid calf boot
Red mid calf boot

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