Tuesday, October 18, 2011

It's Finally Here!

It all started this morning. You know when your having one of those mornings when you hit the snooze button like four times because you're sleeping so good and snuggled all under the comforters...it was perfect! It was cold in the house because the temperatures have been dropping drastically overnight into the 50's and 60's (and Darryl wont let me cut off the A/C) but during the day reaching back into the 80's and 90's - simply perfect (camping weather for any of you who have ever spent any time outdoors, during the day it's hot as heck and at night it's bone chilling cold). Well this is my weather, and I believe that this, may just be the first signs of Autumn in Southeastern Louisiana.
So as I am about to hit the snooze button for the fifth time, it's about 6:30am now and Robbie's alarm is scheduled for 6am because he has to be at the bus stop by 7:15am promptly or we have to sprint to to the late bus stop...I hear a strange yet familiar steady noise. Could this be? Oh my goodness, it's RAINING!!! I jumped out of bed and rushed to Robert's room to wake him.

Now to you this may not be a big thing, but here it hasn't rained in over 6- weeks and even then it only was a sprinkle and not enough for an umbrella. We have fire warnings all month and burning bans - this place can spontaniously combust if someone were to through a ciggarrette out of a car window its so dry.

OK, still not a big deal.

Well, I bought Robbie a rain coat and boots 8-weeks ago...now do you see? Robert never got his teeth brushed, washed up, and dressed for school faster! Now, I tried to give him a disclaimer that he would have to take the coat off once he arrived at school (he could wear the boots - a compromise of sorts)...but something tells me he wasn't listening to me at all. I can just feel that today will be a "note day"...but his 8-week wait & smile was definitely worth it!

BTW - if your interested in the raingear check out www.westernchief.com they have great stuff for both girls and boys (big and small). You should see my rainboots ;P

Batman Robbie preparing for school

Battling puddles big and small

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