It's been over a year since I scalped myself and since Nov 20, 2010 that I decided to let it grow back. I know the date exactly because it's the date I journeyed to this culture-forsaken place known as Fort Polk! Since then my mane has gradually been growing back in shades of red and copper-brown rather than the blond and yellow tones that I usually go for at the request of Darryl. Well I'm 14-months into the growth process and it's beginning to get complicated...basically I'm getting bored. My hair is too short for some styles and too long for others, so that's that! I teeter between my comfort zone of my natural textured pulled back puff (like in my anniversary picture) or my wash and go Afro (which is just what it is, just an Afro that is not picked out so the texture is apparent). And though I love both styles, I really am tiring of both. In about another year or so I'm gonna get it pressed to see exactly how long it is and have Donna trim it. Ebby and I have made a pact (I know the last one caused me to become a "vegetarian") Ebby and her darn pacts - not to cut our hair besides trims for 10 years so I'm this for the long haul. My locs were about 8 years of growth and they were trimmed several times and still reached mid-back so this should get pretty interesting.
But, I also know if I shave my head again Darryl is likely to have me committed, so I had to figure something out. Then it came to me, a styling option, as a result of Ebby and Lita talking at our Anniversary Dinner. BTW - we have been married 6 years not 5. Just found that out when my security clearance came through, I can never remember my anniversary.
True story: We set our alarm at the old house to our anniversary and the police had to come out so much because I kept activating it as I continuously put in the wrong code, they were like ma'am we usually don't have this problem with the women! And threatened to fine us if it continued to occur...LOL...but I digress.
Ebby finally got Lita to go to Donna our stylist in MD to get her hair styled. Lita has been saying she would go for years but never has, I used to drive from NC to MD to get my locs done - Donna is the best. Well anywho, Lita actually went and her hair looks wonderful: Two strand twists, she had them in for a few weeks and wanted to style them, I was trying to tell her what all she could do so I sent her some pics. But then I too got motivated and thought...hey maybe my hair is long enough to style this way also. So I tried and here's my first styling attempt for you to see. i think it went rather well:
Week One:
All washed and 2-strand twisted with mango-lime creme |
Rolled overnight to add dimension |
Homemade rollers (paper towels and rubber bands). My rollers are in storage, I didn't feel like digging through the boxes. |
Rollers removed |
Finger combed and styled using hair pins. |
Voila! |
Week Two...
And the hair is piled more on the top. |
Week Three:
After the curls fell from the rollers I simply separated the 2-strand twists and fashioned this style. I had a Mohawk first and settled on this afterwards. |
I'm continuously pulling it and separating the curls so its getting bigger and fuller as the week progresses. I'm really diggin' it! |
You owe hubby an apologize because he kept saying 6 years at the dinner. Wow that long. Oh well many many more to go. That's what happens when you marry a Swann. Congrats again and enjoy the new hair. Currently growing mine back and have been thinking about the natural thing. Love it when i see it on others. Can I do it? I will keep you posted. I'm at the point where i need a perm but because I workout 6 days out of the week now I don't go to the hair dresser, yes I did just say I haven't been going to the hair dresser. It's a first time for everything. LOL...Love you guys ttyl
lol, I didn't hear him say it there that evening! He was always better with the date but we both sucked with the year so maybe that's y I paid him no mind, HA.
You can do it - natural hair is great for working out, y waste $$$ to sweat out a perm anyway. But you can still get your stylist "fix" with natural hair too, ya know...
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