Saturday, March 17, 2012

Girls Night Out

I saw this sign and couldn't resist! HA HA HA! I was hoping, OK, praying that somewone would get venture up there and fall!
My friend Kenya finally convinced me to hang out with her a couple weeks ago (this was my first night out since hanging out with Ebby & Aunt LuLu at home) and it turned out to be quite fun and "interesting".

I must say I am sooo past the "club scene"; visiting a lounge and hearing some Jazz or live performance art - or simply going to a concert or catching a local artist at an intimate venue is more my current frame of mind. But I went along anyway and as her friend Keisha's husband DJ's there we got in free, drank free, and I got a chane to play dress up in funky club clothes. But wow!!! As I scanned the room of all of the latest "acceptable" club protocol and dances, I knew for sure I was too much of an adult, had theses people lost their minds and not known how they appeared to the "average eye"? I mean sheesh. It was seriously a hot mess!

Which takes me back to getting ready: When I was getting dressed, Darryl told me and I quote, "You look skanky." Now, he claims he said "You, are too old to dress that skanky, and people don't dress like that for the clubs down here." Either way, I was offended and quickly informed him that I was in fact not dressed "skanky" and my clothes were appropriate for both the environment and my age - additionally my clothes don't wear me, I wear my clothes. I am the prototype. (OK, he got me in my feelings). But how would he know anyway. He has no style, all he'd wear is his "DC uniform": jeans, black tee, and Nike boots, if I'd let him. How dare he...the nerve! LOL. BTW - I was extremely modest as compared to what I witnessed within those four walls; in fact I could have administered the Holy Sacriment with how modest I was in comparison!

So I sipped my drink and danced in my confined area and took in all of the ridiculous sights and had a good time, just laughing at how foolish I must have appeared to the back then to the "mature mind" who visited the club with her friends for a Girls Night Out.

I chopped my head off because I was talking and my mouth was open when Kenya snapped the dang photo, but my pose was on point! LOL

OK, I was sooo channeling my Cindy Lauper-esq vibe! Never mind the snacks on top of Keesha's refridgerator in the background! LOL

This was not planned! Kenya and I simply had an 80's desire. I soooo need to tone up my legs (agghhh)!

Kenya's friend Reese, darn flash - we didn't see her glow by the black lights at the club though so it was "all good" ;)


Reese in the lounge area of the club, where we found some solitude for a moment.

Kenya, just posed - believe me we tried sooooo hard to get her to swing around a time or two!

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