Saturday, November 10, 2012

Party in Pink: Movin' to End Breast Cancer


Me, Sherry, & Rose
We Zumbed the night away for a great cause. For 2-hours we danced and celebrated life while raising money for those battling breast cancer. The Party in Pink was great! Sherri (aka Mrs. Smith) set up a table and displayed her Mary Kay items, more specifically their Gloss for a Cause line, and it sold great (check out her website for other products or to contact her directly).

I worked up a major sweat!
We did the House Party dance routine! LOL
Not too many pics, too busy dancing.

Rose (aka Mrs. Singleton) signs the wall at the nights end
Dance, Dance, Dance...

Now we just gotta prepare for the annual Relay For Life Cancer charity fundraising activities, but that's just a walk AND it's a team event.

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