Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Where's Robert?

Look at my baby!!!!

It's his Kindergarten Class Picture and he looks as innocent as can be. You wouldn't think that he spends an average 3 out of 4 days either in "time out", getting placed in "in-school" suspension, trapping students in the bathroom - or only just recently punching someone in the belly because "he wanted to" or being pulled from the cafeteria for throwing a corn-on-the-cob at someone! The list goes on. I think Mrs. Maricle has our numbers on speed dial because I surely have an entire folder of parental triplicates with undesired behaviors, awaiting signatures.

But for now, I just look at this pic and see my adorable little man!


Kita said...

This is what happens when you have a Swann. He is the new generation...oh lord world watch out.

Kenchasa Swann said...

I was hoping I was gonna be spared the "delightful" experience as I had soooo much fun with Garr at this age (insert sarcasm)!

Anonymous said...

Hey Nikki
he is such a cutie and he has a long wrap sheet already lol lol

he cant help it with his Uncle Dee and everyone else in the family its just natural lol lol

Kenchasa Swann said...

I know Libby, but I was dreaming for a reprieve. I couldn't have been THAT bad as a child to get "the kid" both go 'rounds! Lol