Friday, May 31, 2013

90-Day Challenge/Challenge Party

I just found out about a 90-Day Weight-Loss and Fitness Challenge that I am promoting. My goal is to earn a BMW and lose some of these unwanted pounds. But you may want to build muscle, get fit, earn extra income, or even do all of the aforementioned!

You have to hear about this!

Check out the following link:
Open up a new window & check out the videos on my websites... or

If you don't have Internet access (but you just so happen to be checking my blog, LOL) or maybe you prefer and auditory experience as opposed to an audio/visual one, call 507-726-3700 to hear more about the Challenge.

I was gonna buy my BMW this fall but when I walked out of church a few Sundays ago and saw Amy's in the parking, only later to find out that she got it free as a reward - I was convinced!

So, for you local "DeRidderians" and "Leesevillers" (hilarious, I wonder if locals are referenced as such) I will be hosting my first Challenge Party this Thursday, June 6th @ 7 pm at my home. Contact me directly for more Challenge Party details and I'll see you "here" to set some goals and sample FREE products.

Amy's Hardtop Convertible BMW

Me in Amy's car AKA my "Grown Woman Car" - after I'd operated the automatic hardtop!!!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Fill a Bag & Feed a Family - Today, Saturday, May 11, 2013

Last week sometime when Darryl bought in the mail I found this brown paper sack and was about to throw it in the garbage along with all of the other junk mail (fliers, advertisements, and credit card offers that we don't EVEN give a second thought) until I noticed that it was printed. On it had a date and information; it was a food drive. A through the mail food drive! What a great idea!!! You were encouraged to fill a bag with non-perishables and deliver them to a person in need, otherwise leave it at your mailbox for your letter carrier on the agreed upon date. I immediately though of disgruntled letter carriers picking up heavy bags of can lad paper sacks to and laughed to myself, but don't pass that on...LOL

Well of course I would participate! One could easily pick up an extra bag of groceries at the store and canned foods are quite inexpensive I would think (even if not, its a great cause). You cold also simply clean out your pantry. People are starving and would readily eat those non-perishables that you have not gotten to and that has been canned in your pantry for the last year! OK, enough suggestions - get to work.
These are the tings that I gathered JUST from my pantry!!!

Our sack is loaded to the brim..
I noticed the bag again today sitting atop the desk as I got up to prepare breakfast so I checked the date, AND IT'S TODAY!!! Needless to say I got right on it. Luckily, I just went grocery shopping yesterday (Why does the Commissary still have mandatory grocery baggage personnel they make you feel so obligate? Its like a underground escort service or something. Maybe"old military likes it, but it frustrates me that you are "obligated" to have bag loaders. I can carry my own bags, push my own cart to the store, and load them in the trunk! This should be totally optional - and if you don't have cash to tip, you are made to feel like you just robbed someone of their sole existence. I wonder if they report back that you didn't have cash to tip, and they put you on a "ate-up service-member's list" - they literally may as well. At least that would bring some humor to this outdated infrastructure. I actually bypassed the Commissary to go the general grocery store simply because I didn't have cash and didn't wanna bother getting singles to tip! Isn't it enough that I just spent $280 in grocery and now I have to pay someone to load them for me when I was perfectly able to load them myself. Just another way to nickle and dime underpaid and overworked soldiers..OK, I digress) but I still have cabinets full of stuff that is non-perishable! So I'm pretty bare now, I generally but fresh or frozen veggies and the like. I think we did well.
So, Rah and I filled a bag. Since we live in apartments we set it atop our community boxes and hope that you all will join with others today to help Stamp of Starvation (I should trademark that) and Fill and Bag And Feed a Family...apartment #52

...and so can you
  ~The Swann Family

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Rah's Published

Well he's not quite a New York Times Bestsellers but he may be one day! His class compiled a bunch of their favorite recipes and then wrote a page each of sequential steps and created accompanying illustration for each. Rah picked his favorite recipe and wrote the steps on how prepare it, he then created his illustration, please take a look. His class best friend (Tanner) illustrated the cover; Rah has several of his original pictures of monsters, dragons, and dinosaurs posted around his room, LOL

Recipes from the Heart 

Written and Illustrated by:

Mrs. Choat's Kindergarten Class


Rah's pages:
"My favorite recipe is ramen noodles. Crunch the ramen noodles. Pour them in a pot. Boil and eat."

Check out his sequential illustration! LOL
I'm soooo proud, I simply had to share, it makes my heart smile! BTW - I don't even buy Ramen Noodles (they are forbidden in my house). He's eaten them before though as you can clearly see and they must have made quite an impression! HA HA HA