Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Rah's Published

Well he's not quite a New York Times Bestsellers but he may be one day! His class compiled a bunch of their favorite recipes and then wrote a page each of sequential steps and created accompanying illustration for each. Rah picked his favorite recipe and wrote the steps on how prepare it, he then created his illustration, please take a look. His class best friend (Tanner) illustrated the cover; Rah has several of his original pictures of monsters, dragons, and dinosaurs posted around his room, LOL

Recipes from the Heart 

Written and Illustrated by:

Mrs. Choat's Kindergarten Class


Rah's pages:
"My favorite recipe is ramen noodles. Crunch the ramen noodles. Pour them in a pot. Boil and eat."

Check out his sequential illustration! LOL
I'm soooo proud, I simply had to share, it makes my heart smile! BTW - I don't even buy Ramen Noodles (they are forbidden in my house). He's eaten them before though as you can clearly see and they must have made quite an impression! HA HA HA


Kita said...

Now that is too cute. It took me a minute to decipher the item but I got it. And they should be band, so unhealthy.

Kenchasa Swann said...

Girl I read it with ease, it's the type of writing I read from 2nd/3rd grade students on the regular (and not just those in the self-contained population).