Sunday, January 01, 2012

New Years Resolutions

 I spent New Years Eve/Day with my bestie in NC and we did our usual::
Rah took this pic with my camera phone and since it's the only record of the occassion, I included it! Niece, Me and Darryl holding Diva! LOL
  1. Sat in her very comfortable reclining chairs
  2. Drank from her ridiculously stocked bar
  3. Watched all the moves we missed in theaters (Priest, Bad Teacher, Final Destination, Paranormal Activity)
  4. Caught up on all our conversations (in person i.e. more details)
  5. And stayed up well into the morning.
The next day we were up, with her cooking breakfast (which is a treat because Sunday is generally reserved for dinner - Sat is breakfast day) and watched more movies. It felt so much like home that I forgot Darryl was even here, I was back in my summer home; with my real home merely 15 minutes away technically. Yet we have to get back on the road and drive another 15 hours to Louisiana.

When  I visited Ebony's house she actually had her New Years Resolutions from 2011 posted on her wall - her and the boys - dang perfect family! When I perused them  I knew from our daily conversations that she had achieved most of her goals or was consciously working towards say the aloud is one thing, to have them posted is a completely different thing.

So here it is in no order of importance (and I plan to print it out and post it literally in my house) 
  • Resume a healthy lifestyle
  • Get back into my career
  • Be responsible for my own happiness
  • Continue working on my personal religious relatonships
  • Get my finances aligned
  • Purchase a condo
  • Begin preparations for living/teaching abroad
  • Find true acceptance; it always takes life's little reminders to show you that you ultimately have not
  • Find myself...I somehow lost me in my roles mom, wife, friend, educator, etc. - I remember me, so maybe if I looked in the last places I left me I'd have some luck...
Happy New Year
BTW - Isn't this the year we're all supposed to die? I guess I'd better hurry.

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