Thursday, July 19, 2012

Rah's Sleepover

Rah had a sleepover!

And as you know I primarily like kids that are not my own only in an academic environment (I think I'm hardwired to deal with my own, Thank God!). Nonetheless, a sleepover for Rah's friends in a second floor apartment that requires me to supervise i.e. become the "fun police" is not my idea of a relaxing evening. It's just the idea of being "on" that gets me, I guess - I don't necessarily have to be "on" with my kids - they know my temperment and basically do their own thing because that's the norm, but with others' kids I have to be all sensitive to feelings and differences and all nurturing and that's not me! Seriously, I don't feel like doing all that PC "motherly" and "coddling" stuff in my own home, maybe that's why I was blessed with boys because I'll tell a kid to "suck it up and stop being a punk" in a heartbeat...but I digress.

I planned on spending my evening in my room with my television - but alas.

So I needed to come up with some gimmick that would require limited effort on my part yet keep them entertained until they fell asleep at dawn! Agggg - so stressful.

But it came to me finally - a way to prevent kids from running through the house like horses yelling and screaming and causing my neighbors downstairs to break out the broom. I gathered a bunch of items and it ended up being so cool even Garrett had to be forced to leave them alone, HA!

Yes, I pitched a 2-man tent in my living room

Rah felt right at home - supplied with flashlight & sleeping bag

It was like a 8 person tent for these little ones

So of course Garrett had to get in - as you see I even centered it on the TV

We did shadow puppets and told stories

AND finally they went to sleep


1 comment:

Resilient Curls said...

LMBO, I can imagine you in this setting . . . LOL! Great job MOM!!!