Wednesday, July 04, 2012

You're in Big Trouble Lucy!!!

OK, so after this blog I will be in BIG trouble with many of my closest friends and family members but I also hope that I will be forgiven because I'd do it all over again without hesitation.
As many close to me know I just finished a whirlwind of traveling across country and throughout the islands - but most recently I spent an entire week at home in Washington, DC!

Yes, I said it! Darryl and I were in DC in total stealth mode for a week. Well the trip was planned, kinda, but the duration was not. We were hoping that Garrett would decide to come with us for the summer but had not know his dates (so we didn't know if we were gonna end up flying him down or if he simply wanted to stay in MD) its not too much to do here, ya know. And then Darryl and the good 'ole US Army - you never know when leave is gonna be granted - but I was in NC with Rah rounding up  my 2-week vacation with my Bestie and about to head back to LA when Garrett called me and asked was I coming to get him; then Darryl called and said that he was granted leave and was driving up to NC to meet us. So of course we planned to head up to get Garrett and simply swing back home under the cover of darkness - we stayed with my sister because of her central DC location and walking distance to Metro, she was the only one that knew of our arrival for a few days until news started to trickle down later in the week - but by then we were getting ready to go. And good for us, we left just before that heat induced power outage that lasted for a few days my sister informed me!

Again, I digress.

However, plans changed.

When I saw Garrett for the first time in a year, I simply couldn't contain myself. I didn't want anything to do with anyone or anybody but first born! All of my time there became focused on re-bonding with this "man" of mine. I am amazed. He has a beard, he's taller than me, he's calmer mannered and observant - he's matured. He's still Garrett - but at a stage that I am trying to accept: he has a Twitter page! I'm trying to learn him. Now the school year was a bust and there are other things that I am working on coming to terms with - but I think this was the first time I was actually aware that I have to embrace him where he is and not try to change him into what I think he should be (within reason) and it made a world of difference.

So I can't apologize because it wouldn't be sincere - but I do miss everyone dearly. Hopefully on the next go 'round we'll meet up. But right now, I feel whole again; I have my entire family unit back together...even if only temporary.

We didn't sit around all day though. I am a teacher remember? I took advantage of some things my parents did with us when we were a young family in the DC area. Check out the pics...

We first rode the Metro downtown to check out the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. We thought we would get to see a few other of the Smithsonian Museums i.e. The Air and Space Museum (Rah wanted to see that one - but it was hot as heck and we were pooped)! We barely conquered the first floor of this one! And to think they only display a percentage of their collection at any given time, there's always something new and fascinating!

I told the boys I remembered when I was young that my parents took me to the museum downtown and when you entered there was this huge elephant or woolly mammoth in the center of the lobby and you'd pick up these black rotary phones all around it and listen to a description about its life! Well the elephant is still there - but no black rotary phones, all touch screen and directory associated information dispersed. Bittersweet nostalgia, I guess...

Garr and Rah on the Metro

Brothers walking the National Mall

The Smithsonian Castle

Darryl & the Dino

Rah's checking the pouch for babies

Garr's reading up

Papa Bear and Brown Bear

Real paws and my cub's paws

Not hungry Darryl?

C what happens when you nurse till age 2? They spot ninnies!
After sleeping in a few days Garr wanted to visit the Spy Museum and I wanted to visit the MLK memorial, I didn't get a chance the last time I was in the area - so after a ton of exploring other monuments in search of the elusive site, we arrived and it was great! Greater more was the one-on-one time Darryl & Garr had to themselves at the site walking around and reading and discussing each of the 14 quotes of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. inscribed on the Inscription Wall lined the perimeter while Rah and I took some photos of the monument and of the Jefferson Memorial that I never seem to get to as its pretty much in the Tidal Basin.

Rah ready for an adventure

Garr not so much

Friendship Arch of Chinatown

We have become tourist in our hometown
After getting lost and finally asking for directions, we found it. It costs $15/pp but we received a military discount and Rah was free. It was truly great. There were no photos allowed inside and you had to take a "cover" and memorize it to complete a mission! It was too cool! Garr really enjoyed it - well we all did. They even had the James Bond car there amongst other things and you got to  see the evolution of spy gadgets. It was worth it, for true!
Outside the spy museum
 Then we grabbed lunch at a local Mexican restaurant; but ate outside and "city watched".  Afterwards we started off for the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Memorial. We enjoyed a bunch of sites on the way and even checked out a softball game!

The boys in front of the Washington Monument

World War II Memorial

Standing on the WWII Memorial

Unfortunately the Reflecting Pool was under construction

Sitting on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial

The spot where Dr. King gave his I Have A Dream speech

The view from the I Have a Dream Speech spot on the Lincoln Memorial minus the water in the Reflecting Pool

The boys in from of Pres. Lincoln's statue

After hours of walking - We found it!

Jefferson Memorial - view from the MLK Memorial

A landscape view of the Mountains of Despair and the Stone of Hope

Dr. King on the Stone of Hope

Rah in front of the Stone of Hope

My boys and Dr. King

My favorite quote

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